U Aung Myo Than

    U Aung Myo Than is ex-major and  has about two  decades 
of experience in the security operations, now entrenched in 
managing Peace Ray Security Services Company Limited  while 
providing  protection  to  lives and assets to a very large 
 clientele. His strengths  include strong  understanding of 
security  dynamics  for a particular   industry,  effective 
local liaisons and effective and efficient  leadership.  He
ensures that the Board works as a cohesive team and provides 
the  requisite  leadership.  Client  satisfaction and staff 
welfare are on top of his priority lists.   He believes and 
carries forward the message to  “ Stay Loyal to Company and 
Company will always be loyal to you ”. His other attributes 
include excellent leadership,  blessed with foresightedness, 
calm, kind-hearted, respect to humanity and he never loses 
focus on his goals in life.