U Win Naing

    An experienced retired Army officer who makes sure that Peace 
Ray Security Services Company Limited –  the operation – runs.  U
Win Naing is taking care of Operations in the Peace  Ray Security
Services Company Limited  as  executive  director.  His strengths 
have been establishing a  highly  motivated  Security  team  with 
robust processes and  he always ensures  that things run smoothly 
during the  daily operations  executed  by  the  team  members he 
always strives to work towards  the vision of the  Company. He is 
consistently putting his sincere efforts in rooting the strengths
and  diligence  among the employees.  He is also  responsible for 
grooming the  staff  and his teamwork and  leadership skills have 
made  his  an  invaluable  part  of the Company.  He works across
functions in the Company(Finance, Marketing, Business Development
, HR, etc.) and maintains strong control over operations.